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Showing posts with label Syllabus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Syllabus. Show all posts

Monday, 18 May 2020


UPSC Syllabus and Stratezy 2021

UPSC (syllabus and Stratezy)


झूठी शान के परिंदे हो ज्यादा फड़फड़ाते हैं,

बाज की उड़ान में कभी आवाज नहीं होती

IAS it’s not a dream, it’s my life

“वादा है हमारा एक दिन तेरी

बुलंदियों को हम छुकर रहेंगे”

“Nothing can inspire you

More than your dreams”



“Do not give up, the beginning is

always the headest”


“If your path is more difficult. It’s

because your calling is higher”


समयः हर समय को बदल देता है

बस समय की थोड़ी समय चाहिए”



                 1.} Paper – 1 (GS)                                                 2.} Paper – 2 (CSAT)

                       200 marks                                                              200 marks

                       100 questions, 2 hours                                        80 questions, 2 hours

NOTE:-  (a) Paper -2  will be qualifying paper.

 (b) Minimum qualifying marks; 33% (66 marks)



Total number of paper – 9


“मुसाफिर कल भी था, मुसाफिर आज भी हूँ

कल अपनों की तलाश में था,

आज अपनी तलाश में हूँ”

“नजर अंदाज करो उनलोगों को, जो आपके बारे में

पीठ पीछे बात करते है,

क्योंकि वे उसी जगह रहने लायक है”


1.      Temporary materials

2.      Permanent materials


·         Temporary materials (daily used)

·         Nation Newspaper ( in Hindi)

a.      दैनिक जागरण

b.      दैनिक भास्कर

c.       जनसत्ता     (pick anyone of these)

·         Nation Newspaper ( in English)

a.      The Hindu (The most crucial aspect for UPSC)

b.      The Indian Express

c.       The Times of India

d.      The Economic Times


जब तरीको, दिनों, मौसम और आस परोस का

ख्याल न रहे और कुछ पता न रहे तो समझो

तैयारी अच्छी चल रही है”

·         Magazines (Monthly)

a.      Yojana

b.      Kuruchetra

c.       Chronicle


·         Magazines (yearly)

a.      India year book

b.      Annual Report

c.       Niti Aayog

d.      Science Reporter

e.      Economic Survey

f.        PIB, PRS

Note:- Anyone one monthly magazines, Current affairs, Vision IAS, Dristi IAS, Focus, Civil survives times.


·         Radio news

AIR News:-  Hindi – 8:45 pm to 9:00 pm.

English – 9:00 pm to 9:15 pm.

·         Doordarshan News

Hindi – 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

English – 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm    {anyone analysis news}

·         TV (Current Affairs)

a.      Rajya sabha TV – (Desh Videsh)

b.      Lok Sabha TV – (News analysis)


“Hard work beats talent when talent

doesn’t work hard”

“सपने देखने का सौक है, तो रत भर जग कर

पढना शुरू करो

सपनें पुरे तभी होंगे, जब नींद अधूरी होगी”


·         Other sources (Google Search)

= the topic’s name and write UPSC in the end.

a.      Rajya Sabha TV (Desh Videsh)

b.      Down to each Magzines

c.       Livemint

d.      BBC and AIR (Audio news)

e.      PIB, PRS, MEA website (update)

f.        Insight on India

g.      Unacademy

·         Pointstobe remember

a.      Syllabus and Previous year questions are the First elements to the resources list.

b.      Less is more:- keep your resource limit.

c.       First NCERT, than advance book, and finally value addition materials.

d.      Once resources list is decided, stick on it.

·         Optional Selection

= Sociology, History, Geography, Literature etc

a.      Background graduation

b.      Interest

c.       Available of material near by

d.      Select an optional within 2-3 months on reading GS.


v  Essay:- A book of essay – spectrum.

v  CAST: -Total McGraw Hill Publication.      ‘previous year question paper’

v  Interview:- Self Confidence (optional sub)

v  Compulsary paper (Eng + Ind. Language)– Previous year question practices and test serious.


Note:-Prelims and Mains both the syllabus are same.

-          Only Mains we study in depth and topic by topic.


कुछ Insult ऐसी होती है जो दिल में

छप जाती है फिर उन्हीं से इतिहास छपता हैं”


v  National and International importance

a.      Nuclear weapon

b.      UNICEF submit

c.       G8 – summits

d.      G20 – summits

e.      SAARC summits

f.        United Nation summits

g.      Bilateral relation India from other country


v  GS 1 { History (Prelims + Mains)}

a.      NCERT, classes (VIth to XIIth)  (old+new)

b.      Freedom movement: Bipin Mehra

c.       Freedom struggle: Spectrum

d.      Post Indepedence India: Nitin Sangwan Notes

e.      World History : Vision IAS,



a.      Class IXth - XIIth (NCERT)

b.      भारत एवं समकालीन विश्व (part I, II)

c.       Class XIth (NCERT)

d.      World History (class XII)


v  GS 1 {Indian art and Culture (Mains)}

a.      NCERT class XII (an introduction or Indian Art)

b.      Indian Art and Culture – Nitin Singhnia

c.       Old NCERT (class XI) – Ancient by RS Sharma

d.      Old NCERT (class XI) – Medieval by Satish Chandra

v  GS 1 { Geography (Prelims + Mains)}

a.      New NCERT (class VI to X) Basic (class XIth and XIIth advance for mains)

b.      Geography of India – Majid Hussain

c.       Oxford Atlas (Map)

d.      PMF (IAS Website)

e.      Geography videos by MS Rajtanil)


v  GS – Remaining topics (Prelims + Mains)

a.      Indian society and diversity of India.

b.      Woman, population, urbanlization, poverty and development issues.

c.       Effects of Globolisation an Indian society.

d.      Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism & Secularism.


v  GS – 2  {Indian polity and government 

a.      New NCERT – VIth to XIIth

b.      Indian Polity by – M. Laxmikant.

a.      Current Affairs – Editorials, PIB, PRS  Notes (vision IAS, Dristi IAS)

b.      ARC sixth report – local government.


v  GS – 2 Governance (policy) (prelims + mains)

a.      2nd ARC Report – 1th, 2nd, 3rd, 9th,10th,11th,12th

b.      Current Affairs -  Editorials – PRS and PIB    Notes (Vision IAS)


v  GS – 2  Social justice  (Mains + Prelims)

a.      Welfare scheme and bodies constituted for vulnerable sections.

b.      Government policies and interventions.

c.       Social Sector / Service relativity to Health education, Human resources.

d.      Issues relativity to poverty and hunger.



-          All topics covered from:-

a.      Current Affairs – Editorials, PIB, PRS.

b.      Niti Aayog’s  [three year action agenda’s]

c.       Budget and Economic survey.


v  GS 2  International Relation (polity) (mains)

a.      Current Affairs – Editorial

b.      International Relation in the 21th century by Pushpesh Pant

c.       Ministry of External affairs (see websites)

d.      More detail (study IAS, Dristi IAS)


v  GS – 3   Economics (prelims + mains)

a.      NCERT – IXth to XIIth

b.      Indian economy – Ramesh Singh

c.       Economic survey and Budget

d.      Online website like (Arthopedia and Investopedia)


“बुरे वक्त में भी से कोई उम्मीद मत रखो,

क्योंकि समझौत शेर को भी कुत्ता बना देता है”


v  GS – 3 ( Environment, ecology, bio-diversity and climate change ) (prelims + mains)

a.      NCERT – Biology class – XII (only environment chapter)

b.      Environment by Masjid Hussain.

c.       Current Affairs – Editorials, PIB, PRS, Vision IAS


v  GS – 3 Internal Security  (Mains)

a.      Internal Security and disaster Management by Ashok Kumar & Vipin.

b.      Current Affairs – Editorials, Vision IAS.


v  GS – 3Disaster management (Prelims + mains)

a.      NCERT – VIth to Xth.

b.      Science Reporter (monthly magazines)


v  GS – 4 Ethics (mains)

a.      2ndARC fourth report – Ethics in Government.

b.      2nd ARC    twelfth reportCitizen Centric Adv.

c.       Lexicon for Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude by Arihant or Success publication.



शोर मचाने से सरिख्सयत नहीं मिलती जानब

कर्म ऐसा करो की ख़ामोशी भी में अखबारों में

छप जाये”


“अगर आशिकी इश्क में बनते है

तो हमेशा याद रखना Legend भी Risk से बनते हैं”








SYLLABUS  2020-2021


1.       Gs – Paper  1     (100 questions)  1/3

2.       History of India National Movement (no. of questions – 15)

3.       Ancient India (old NCERT) – RS Sharma

4.       Medieval India (old NCERT) – Satish Chandra

5.       Concise of India Culture – Spectrum Publications

6.       India and World Geography (complex)

7.       Geography of India (old NCERT) – Class Xth

8.       Certificate Physical and Human Geography – Goh Cheng Leony

9.       Oxford English (Atlas)



a.       An Introduction to this constitution of India – DD Basu

b.      Indian Polity – M Laxmikant

c.       Governal In India – M Laxmikant



a.       Macro Economic – XIIth

b.      India Economic Development – Xth

c.       Indian Economy – Ramesh Slaga



a.       NIOS  -  Environment and Ecology

b.   General Science – Spectrum -  Generall Sanc 

c      Current Event – Newspaper/Current magazine


v  GS PAPER 2  (Q.- 80, 2 hours)

a.       MK Pande – reasoning / RS Agarwal

b.      S.Chand (Numnication)

c.       CSAT Manual - TMIF